Clinical Services

Self-management App

Please click on the image below and select which condition you would like access to. Available conditions are; Wandsworth – Back, Back and leg, Neck, New Shoulder and knee pain.

Enter your email and we will send you an email with all the information on how to get started.

The App is provided free as part of your care in Wandsworth and will provide you with: Easily accessible, targeted and personalised self-management information to help you day by day, and step by step

  • Exercises based on your stage of recovery
  • Direct booking of local treatments such as physiotherapy and well-being services within Wandsworth
  • Reassurance and support to self-manage

NHS Free Health Check

The NHS Health Check is for adults in England between the ages of 40 and 74. For more information please ask Reception for a leaflet where you can learn more about what the check is, what it involves, and when and how you can get it. It will also help you to understand more about your results when you receive them, and what to do next.

To take charge of your long-term health with a Free NHS Health Check, please book an appointment to see your GP.

Travel Advice and Vaccinations

This service is available by appointment only with our Practice Nurse. You are advised to speak to the Practice Nurse prior to your appointment to enable her to explain which vaccinations are applicable and the cost, if any. Some vaccinations are free under the NHS but others are chargeable. Please note that there is a charge for private prescriptions for anti-malarial medications. All details are available at our Reception. Our surgery accepts cash only. We are a registered Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre.

Smoking Cessation Clinics

Our Practice offers a Stop Smoking Service. Please contact Reception to book an appointment.

Repeat Prescriptions

You can request repeat prescriptions on line at

Requests for repeat medication can also be made by completing the form and dropping it in the Prescription Box at Reception, by Fax, or a self-addressed stamped envelope by post. Telephone requests for repeat prescriptions are not accepted as serious errors may occur.

Patients are advised to make a six month or yearly medication review appointment with your regular Doctor.

Please allow 48 hours, i.e. 2 working days when requesting repeat prescriptions.

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

If you are on regular medication and go to the same Chemist to collect your Prescription, you can choose the Pharmacy closest to where you live or work. The Practice can send your Repeat Prescription directly to the Pharmacy electronically. Please contact your Pharmacy / Reception for completing the paper work and for further information.

Telephone Consultations

If you prefer to have a telephone consultation with the Doctor on duty, please call reception from 8.00am (Mon-Fri) to make arrangements. Please note that telephone consultations take place late morning / early afternoon only.

Medical Examinations

Please make a double appointment for a full medical examination with the GP. This is normally carried out at the end of the morning clinic. A Medical examination is provided for Insurance, Fostering and Driving. Information regarding the charges for this service can be obtained from Reception.

Contraception Services

Please make an appointment with the GP or Practice Nurse for advice contraception services.

Ante / Post Natal & Baby Clinics At Farrant House

A GP led Ante / Post Natal & 8 week Check Clinic is held from 9am to 12pm for Mother and Baby.

After the 8 week baby check is carried out by the GP, the baby will be given the first childhood immunisation the same morning by the Nurse. A double appointment should be made with our Practice Nurse for this purpose.

Appointments for subsequent childhood immunisations can be made with our Nurse at Farrant House between 9am to 12pm every Thursday.

It is advised that you bring your children’s red book with you to all your appointments.

Health Visitors

A Baby Clinic for height / weight check and general advice is held by the Health Visitor every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 am Well Baby Clinic at York Gardens Children Centre, Lavender Road, Battersea SW11 2UG. Telephone 020 7738 0889.